Our prepress studio is equipped with the latest technology from Esko Graphics
Automation from estimate to delivery
A comprehensive Mac suite and experienced team have been assembled to ensure your artwork is received, loaded and pre-flighted to review your file. Our team are on hand to liaise with your brand managers, designers and agencies to ensure the job is set up correctly and delivers a quality result.
This is our powerful web-based platform that manages your pre-production approval and project life cycle.
WebCenter keeps everyone on the same page by providing easy-to-use viewing and annotation tools. You can view, mark-up and approve PDF and image files in a browser with WebCenter’s high resolution viewer.
The viewer supports single page, multipage and imposition documents within the same viewing environment. Annotation and viewing tools allow users to add comments and accurately indicate corrections.
WebCenter puts security and confidentiality first. Your information and files are completely safe. WebCenter permissions ensure absolute control of a user’s access to projects and documents.